Recognizing that no single institution can carry out this mission by itself, the Andrew W. The time is right to harness these new technologies to meet the specific needs of the humanities. And technologists are finding new ways to operate these services in a web cloud, allowing a small consortium of institutions to meet the needs of many thousands of users around the world.
Wiki bamboo software software#
For example, cutting-edge work in the information sciences allows software developers to create reusable services that can support individual humanities projects across many institutions and link hundreds of scattered digital collections. This is an ideal time at which to confront these challenges because the past decade has seen technological innovation that can now be harnessed to meet them. Meanwhile, these one-off applications are difficult to sustain and often prove to have short lives. Although librarians and technology specialists are capable of helping, they are often uncertain where their investment of time and resources would do the most to help humanities scholars, and so the scholars often spend more time on solving technology problems than on addressing research questions. These one-off projects yield limited returns on the time and funding invested in them. In trying to create technology to meet research needs, scholars have often invested time and money in creating software that will work well for their project but may be difficult for anyone else to use.
Mellon Foundation that emerged from that process:ĭuring the past two decades, the development of technology has created a wealth of new possibilities for research, scholarly communications, and teaching within the broad academic realm that includes the humanities, arts, and humanistic social sciences.
Quoting from the 2010 funding proposal to the Andrew W. The Bamboo Planning Process began in April 2008, and engaged over six hundred participants representing more than one hundred institutions of higher education in the United States, Europe, and Australia.